Human-Landscaping - What is it?

What is human landscaping? Who is the person who does it?

Bill Daul has a gift for seeing, appreciating and guiding other people. Through an interesting combination of intuition, empathy and curiosity, Bill performs three valuable services -- each of them helpful and together amazing for the personal and professional success of his friends and clients (who mostly are one and the same).

His three services are to (1) see and understand the individual (2) provide various "mirrors" that reflect the individual to him/herself and others -- through conversations, website creation, meetings, literary exchanges, (3) introduce people to others who are like-minded, with complementary paths and/or likely to be of mutual support toward reaching their goals.

People who know Bill ("Friends of Bill" or "FOB" for short) understand that he does not fall into typical categories. He is not "packaging" or "selling" people. He does not add gloss or patina. He does not edit or spin. He is an astute observer of behaviors and expressions that define a person, and he relates his observations to those who may becompatible.

He is a teller of true stories who does not skip over details simply because they do not seem to fit the storyline. These odd details often are what people to feel sympatico with another with whom they seemingly have little in common --except for some little thing that creates a bond, a little thing that Bill happened to mention.

Some people call Bill "human glue" but the landscaping metaphor is more accurate because it reflects the organic nature of his work. Bill works at the root system of communities, helping people "plant" themselves comfortably and securely in a rich environment. Especially in this time of shifting organizational forms, people who can create and sustain communities contribute to the invisible infrastructure that enables productivity and innovation.

Updated October 3, 2002